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The Customer Always Knows Best

gunsmithing tools

"Sometimes gunsmithing requires us to have five sets of hands trying to grip, roll and align gun parts to make a simple repair. With the Present Arms’ 1911 Armorer’s Plate, there’s now a way to do this with just one pair of hands and fill a gap on our workbenches."

gun cleaning kits

We are proud to be featured in the February 2019 issue of American Shooting Magazine. A full-page article on page 45 features our company and products. Click on the magazine cover or the link below to read the article."

firearm cleaning kit

"When I first viewed the Gunners Mount my first thought was “Wow, this thing is really built.” It is an impressive piece of machined polymer. I typically don’t gush over products when I review them but in this case I was truly impressed."

AR15 cleaning kit

"The Present Arms fixtures are milled from a robust, non-marring polymer and are purpose designed to keep everything in place and provide that third hand you need to get through some of the sticky bits."

Best Gun cleaning kit

See us in the American Handgunner January/February 2016 issue

Firearm cleaning kit

John Snow of Outdoor Life says,
"Any shooter who likes to seriously tinker with AR-style rifles is going to want Santa to bring one of these for Christmas."

He is speaking of our Gunner's Mount.

Best firearm cleaning kit

Our Gunner's Mount was featured as a top-notch shooting accessory in AR and Shooting Accessories - Fall Winter 2014 Special Edition.

"You don’t know how much I love Present Arms products. We keep them in our assembly department. Nothing makes the assembly and disassembly easier. These products are worth every penny. A must-have for every gunsmith or Armorer."

Mike Gurule - VP of Sales, Armaspec

"The Gunner's Mounts is by far the best accessory I have found for working on AR's"…"The ease of use and versatility of your products equates to a reduced amount of time per unit"

Officer Thomas L. New Mexico State

"You have indeed invented a better mouse trap!...Now, why didn't I think of that? "

-Dave J Billings, MT

"I have been using your product for more than a year now. This product is extremely well built and durable. The product will cut time servicing weapons considerably. I can clean and inspect four AR rifles in the same time it took to complete one now that I use the Gunner's Mount. … The time I save in servicing the weapons has paid for the system in the first four months and now it just saves me money and time."

Dan Curtis, Sgt. Utah County Sheriff's Office Retired, Instructor, Armorer, Range Master

"This past year we started using the Gunner's Mount system to service our AR patrol rifles and duty handguns. It is far and away the best accessory I have found ... I have built over 20 guns using the Gunner's Mount and it easily cuts my time in half."

Sgt. John R. San Diego, California

The Gunner's Mount system is hands down the most effective tool I've seen to date to allow a unit armorer to most effectively and efficiently work on their weapons systems. The simplicity and ruggedness of the components coupled with its ingenious design make it a must-have for all arms rooms and should be a standard issue piece of kit."

Group Executive Officer US Army

Contact Us

34 Front Street, Suite 326
Indian Orchard, MA 01151

Call : 1-413-575-4656 

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We do not sell firearms or firearm components.

Always ensure your firearm is unloaded and clear before cleaning or making any repairs or servicing. Always follow the manufacturer's procedure when servicing your firearm. The content of this web site is the property of Present Arms Inc. and is not to be copied or reproduced without the expressed permission of Present Arms. Not responsible for typos and errors in listed pricing. Handling firearms or firearms parts can expose you to lead and other petroleum products known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. For more information go to (CA Health and Safety Code Section 25249.6).

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Pay for our gun cleaning kits with VISA
Pay for our gun cleaning kits with mastercard
Pay for our ar15 cleaning kits with american express
Pay for our firearm cleaning kits with Discover

100% American Made Products. Veteran Owned, American Made & Armorer Approved


© 2024 Present Arms, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gunner’s Mount, Gunner’s Puck, Inspection Plate, Armorer Plate, Instructors Plate, Stack Arms, Sentinel Plate, Universal Barrel Block, AR Hook and Plug Capture Tool (PCT) are all Trademarks of Present Arms Inc. Our products are covered under one or more of the following US Patents D1,040,280 - D1,013,087 - 10,337,829 - 9,228,800 - D751,662 - 9,194,653 -  9,194,642 - D747,941 - D811,512 - D811,51 - D888,868 others patent pending.


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